
Student services and support programs


The objectives of the Student Support Services team are to:

  • enable all students to develop self-confidence, optimism, high self-esteem, respect for others and achievement of personal excellence.
  • ensure effective behaviour management strategies are identified and implemented.
  • provide supportive strategies for all students whilst ensuring that gifted and talented students, students from various cultural groups, students with learning disabilities and students with disabilities are identified and catered for.

Please open the tabs below for further information on the specific role of each member of the Student Support Services team. You will also find information on the support they can offer to parents or students of Woree State High School.

Students and families are able to access all support services by booking appointments at the main school office.

If the matter is urgent, students can report immediately to the main office and the appropriate support person will be contacted.

Streetsmart Handbook

Since 2002, the Streetsmart Handbook has been delivered to teenagers at secondary schools with the aim of helping to educate our youth on important topics relevant to them as they transition into adult life.

The Streetsmart Handbook will not only benefit teenagers but will also give their families guidance towards various places, organisations and contacts whenever they need assistance.

Student Wellbeing Hub

This is a space for parents External link and students External link to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities that promote wellbeing and learning.


Community Education Counsellor (CEC)

Community Education Counsellor (CEC)

Link and Launch Program

Link and Launch Program

School Based Police Liaison Officer

School Based Police Liaison Officer

Vocational Education and Training Coordinator

Vocational Education and Training Coordinator

Year Coordinators

Year Coordinators

Youth Support Coordinator

Youth Support Coordinator

Last reviewed 30 March 2023
Last updated 30 March 2023