Step 1
Please complete an Expression of Interest for Enrolment for student enrolment and submit it to the school office. If your student will be living away from home please compete a Statutory Declaration Form to be signed by a Justice of the Peace and returned with your Expression of Interest documentation.
Step 2
A Woree State High School Enrolment Officer will phone you to advise the outcome of your application and arrange an appointment time for your enrolment interview if your application is successful.
Step 3
If possible, please collect a student enrolment pack from the school office. Otherwise, go to the relevant year level enrolment tab & print all necessary documents.
Your student is required to attend the enrolment interview with you.
All paperwork must be completed prior to your interview and brought to your appointment.
Please do not hesitate to call (07) 4081 5222 or email should you require further assistance.
We look forward to meeting you soon!