Online ordering for uniforms and stationery is the quickest and easiest way to get your school supplies.
Please see the Flexischools link below for information regarding registration for this service: https://www.flexischools.com.au/parents
Download the app from the AppStore for Apple, or PlayStore for Android, or use the website. Create a login and enter your child's details. Select your collection date and your order will be packed and ready for you.
Order collections: Wednesdays of term 8:00 am to 9:00 am. The uniform shop will be open for Cash or EFTPOS sales at this time.
Woree State High School is a uniform school with the policy endorsed by the P&C committee (16 December 2004) and amendments (on 21st March 2011) as we believe this promotes the objectives of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, and in particular that it:
Promotes a safe environment for learning, by enabling ready identification of students and non-students of the school
Promotes an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of competition in dress and fashion at the school
Promotes a supportive environment at the school by fostering a sense of belonging and
Fosters mutual respect among individuals at the school, by minimising visible evidence of economic, class or social differences.
Woree State High School staff support the policy by monitoring uniform compliance and applying the school policy. As a “uniform” school, we believe that the correct wearing of the school uniform assists students to identify with the school, and so feel positive about their learning environment and about being part of the team.
It is expected that students at Woree State High School will wear the correct school uniform each day they attend school. They will also wear the uniform to any other official school function as directed by the Principal.
If a student is unable to wear the correct uniform for any reason, it is expected that the school will be notified by parents/caregivers.
Uniform Shop and Prices 2025 (PDF, 453KB)