
Students with a disability


Contact details

Deputy Principal Inclusion: Samantha Ilic

Telephone: (07) 40 815 219


Catering for all students

Being part of a vibrant learning culture is a positive experience for students at Woree State High School who are involved with the Diverse Learning (DL) faculty. Students engage in a wide range of learning experiences, and are valued members of the school community. There are a number of avenues which include students in the learning culture of our school setting.

Individualised programs

Diverse Learning teachers work with students, parents and carers, and other stakeholders to design and implement programs which cater for the specific needs of each student. Some students engage in a full mainstream program and have little or no contact with the Diverse Learning faculty, some engage fully with the Diverse Learning faculty and have little or no contact with mainstream classes. Many students engage in varying degrees in both settings.

Specialised and experience staff

A team of specialised and experienced staff lead the Diverse Learning program. With academic backgrounds in special needs education, and social and behavioural sciences, teaching and support staff provide a nurturing and challenging learning environment that caters to a wide range of individual needs. Ongoing professional development for all staff further enriches the learning environment and optimises our students’ transition into active adult living. Woree State High School accesses the specialist services of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech language pathologists. As well as specialist teachers for all impairments visit the school to assist teachers with planning, equipment, and up-to-date disability specific information. Woree State High School’s Diverse Learning faculty is able to access specialist nursing services along with support from external agencies such as Autism Queensland and the Cerebral Palsy League.

Academic and functional education

The Woree State High School Diverse Learning faculty is committed to enhancing educational outcomes for all students. Students are placed on individualised programs, based on their abilities and interests. Students may participate in academic subjects such as English, Maths and Science, either included in the mainstream or within the Diverse Learning faculty. Functional programs such as independent living skills, community access and human relationships education are offered to students within the Diverse Learning faculty. Students may be included in a variety of academic and functional subjects as part of the high-quality education accessible at the Woree Diverse Learning faculty.

Skills for life

Our life skills programs are designed to enable our students to become active and independent adults. Life skills programs may involve regular weekly programs such as cooking and general housekeeping, as well as functional literacy and numeracy. Special Projects focus on specific skills such as laundry duties, paper recycling, car washing and gardening.

Community based programs

The Woree State High Diverse Learning faculty provides equitable educational opportunities to ensure that all students with disability have access to, participate in and gain positive outcomes from schooling through a range of curriculum options. One such option is community based programs. These programs allow students to experience learning and apply acquired knowledge in an off-campus setting. There are varied activities organised throughout the year including work experience at several different sites: grocery shopping, swimming, lawn bowls, tenpin bowling and a three day trip to the Challenge Games Sports Carnival in Townsville. The students, while having a lot of fun during these outings, also build valuable skills and insights for future leisure and vocational choices. Great care is taken for student safety and wellbeing during all community based programs.

Working toward transition

Our transition program, built on individual strengths and interests, is based on the belief that a well-planned and challenging transition program will result in a more active, informed and independent young person. Together with students and their families we start planning for life after school in Year 10 and by the time students are in Years 11 and 12 their program may include VET subjects, work experience, TAFE studies and traineeships, as well as functional literacy and numeracy subjects with emphasis on life.
Last reviewed 06 March 2025
Last updated 06 March 2025