All teachers involved with SchoolTech will be located at -
TAFE Queensland (Cairns Campus)
Eureka Street
Manunda, QLD 4870
Our Staff
Head of Department: Harrison Dodd
Telephone: (07) 4042 2490
Email: hdodd34@eq.edu.au
Paul Anthony panth2@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2590
Rafael Cooper (Monday to Thursday) rcoop85@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2590
Sean Mangan (Wednesday and Thursday) spman0@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2590
Vocational Education and Training Coordinator
Tracey Wilson tquin49@eq.edu.au (Mob:) 0448 244 108
Community Liaison Officer
Tracey Bujora tbujo1@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2607
Administration Officer
Gaynor Berry gberr18@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2590
Teacher Aide
Roseanne Leighton rleig0@eq.edu.au (07) 4042 2590
As part of the Social and Community Studies subject a mentoring / pastoral care program will operate. This will be conducted by school (Education Queensland) teachers and will allow a smooth transition for students moving from school to an adult learning environment.
Woree State High School also provides access to a Guidance Officer, School Nurse and Youth Counsellor.
In addition to this support, TAFE has a comprehensive Student Support Services unit with a range of support systems. Workplace Health and Safety is a key priority of TAFE Queensland and Workplace Health and Safety officers are available across the Cairns Campus, in all faculties and units.
It is envisaged that students in the program will have ‘home rooms’ for core subjects and these rooms will act as a base for classes and mentoring sessions.