Subjects offered in Design and the Technologies
Contact details
Head of Department: Chantal Bennett
Telephone: (07) 4081 5251
Years 7-8
- Food Tech (TFS)
- Practical Design (DAT)
Years 9-10
- Catering @ 9 (CTG)
- Practical Design (DAT)
- Catering @ 10 (CAT)
- Practical Design (DAT)
- Foundations in Engineering (FIE)
Years 11-12
Applied Subjects:
VET Subjects:
- Certificate I in Hospitality
- Certificate II in Hospitality
- Certificate III in Hospitality
- Certificate I in Construction
- Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
Our purpose-built facilities: woodwork, metal fabrication, machining workshops and construction compound provide students with facilities that reflect the current industry standards. Students have the opportunity to develop practical skills in design, wood work and metal fabrication including welding and machining.Food Tech and Catering offers all students the opportunity to investigate the world of food with a focus on developing life skills in food preparation and nutrition.
Our high-quality commercial kitchen and participation in numerous catering functions and activities, allows the senior students a daily opportunity to experience the world of Hospitality.
The expertise and knowledge of the staff ensure that students are motivated and challenged in their chosen curriculum areas across the faculty.
All Senior students are given opportunities to engage in structured work placement and industry visits to ensure relevance to the “real world" is maintained.
Our faculty has forged links with the Hospitality, Construction and Engineering industries by working in partnership with local industry bodies and private enterprises. These links are made in order to offer students authentic learning experiences, relevant certification and give them the best opportunity to gain employment in the field of their choice or university entry.