Contact details
Head of Department: Mark Stubbs
Telephone: (07) 4081 5232
Woree State High School offers students the opportunity to pursue the full range of QCAA Mathematics subjects to suit a wide range of student interests and abilities, aligned to the Australian Curriculum. Students will develop a foundational understanding and modelling of Mathematical concepts through Years 7-10, completing the same types of learning experiences and assessments they will do in the senior years.
Senior subjects such as Short Course in Numeracy and Essential Mathematics can establish a basis for further education and skill development at places of employment in the fields of trade, industry, business and community services. The more academically rigorous subjects of General Mathematics, Maths Methods and Specialist Mathematics are designed to encourage students into further tertiary education. These courses of study will allow the students to continue developing knowledge and skills in order to pursue future careers.
Located predominantly in C block, the mathematics staff at Woree State High School endeavours to utilise both traditional approaches of mathematics teaching as well as using the latest innovations such as graphics calculators, computer software and other teaching aids to engage and inspire our students.