Contact details
Head of Department: Jodie Ball
Telephone: (07) 4081 5253
Diverse Learning staff at Woree State High School provide support to students with disabilities, their teachers and parents. Individualised work programs are designed by our highly skilled Diverse Learning teachers. Delivery of these programs across all settings is supported by a team of experienced teacher aides.
Students' programs may consist of mainstream subjects, Diverse Learning subjects, or a combination of both, depending on individual student needs.
Transitioning to post school life is an important aspect of students’ programs in the senior years.
Specialists such as Advisory Teachers, School Transition Officers, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are consulted regularly to inform program design.
Diverse Learning staff at Woree State High School participate in regular Professional Development and training sessions to ensure they stay informed of new research and current trends in Diverse Learning.